Revolutions Building a Stronger Community One Bike at a Time

NON-PROFIT TEACHES SELF-SUFFICIENCY AND MAKES ENJOYING OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ACCESSIBLE FOR COMMUNITY YOUTH “Every child has inside him an aching void for excitement and if we don’t fill it with something which is exciting and interesting and good for him, he will fill it with something which is exciting and interesting and which isn’t good for […]
Northern Body and Sole: A Place To Heal

“I’m so excited. I’m so excited.” my mind and my body were reciting. My energy was beginning to come out of my pores. It is a rare occasion that I walk away from my real life of work, family and chores and enter the dark, quiet room of energy work and massage therapy. On this […]
Beth Millner Jewelry

Eco Friendly Designer Makes Gifts That Matter
Marquette Michigan – Jewelry can be made in a sustainable way, a business can be run with minimal waste, a small store can provide jobs to local artists, and customers are able to find jewelry of recycled metals and local stones. Beth Millner is proving this every day in her thriving local jewelry business in […]
Discover Sustainable Farming: Shady Grove Farm

Shady Grove Farm: Where Real Food Grows
Marquette is the kind of community that really has it all. The nature and the beaches go on forever in every direction and the town itself offers community and comradery. With the small town feel it also offers amenities of the big city and of the farm life. Marquette isn’t so bad for a kid […]
The Endless Benefits of Tea

Warm The Soul and Delight The Senses
In the deep of winter and with the beginning of a new year, drinking more tea is always a part of my “self-improvement plan”. Tea provides energy throughout the day, reawakening our senses and giving our minds an unrefined, casual attentiveness without the overly busy feeling that consuming too much coffee and other energy drinks […]
Are You Getting Enough Iodine in Your Diet?

FIND OUT WHY IODINE IS IMPORTANT TO YOUR BODY AND THE BEST WAYS TO GET MORE The importance of iodine had been swept under the rug for years while thyroid disease was at bay, but now interest in learning more is on the rise as people are recommended to invest in thyroid support through supplements […]
Coconut Oil Benefits For Your Health

Marquette, MI – Coconut Oil has become so popular that people that have never used it, people that are not even sure how or why to use it are stopping in to natural food stores to pick up a jar. Coconut oil has many benefits but it is loaded with saturated fat, which made it […]
Getting To Know Your Local Food Co-op

HOW MARQUETTE’S FOOD CO-OP REACHES OUT TO EDUCATE AND SERVE THE COMMUNITY FROM GARDEN TO PLATE! Marquette, MI – Last fall I taught a group of fifth graders how to save seeds from tomatoes. We had fun squishing tomatoes, and they learned about the difference between open pollinated and hybrid seeds. A few weeks ago, I […]
Grand Marais Michigan: Nature In Abundance

Look no further for a great travel destination than Grand Marais, Michigan: Nature in Abundance! Marquette, MI – Grand Marais is a little nook on the southern shores of Lake Superior; a little corner harbored from the fast paced city life that most of us live. Grand Marais is infinite in nature and beauty and […]
Benefits of Your Local Farmer’s Market

Spring heralds the opening of our local Farmer’s Market in Marquette! Marquette, MI – The warmer weather is finally here making fresh local foods available again every Saturday at the Marquette Commons. If you’re not already hooked on shopping your local Farmer’s Market here are some benefits of Your Local Farmer’s Market! The time of year has finally […]