Meditation: Why should I do it?

So what is all this business about Meditation? I heard someone say the other day that “meditation is truly revolutionary”, but meditation has been around for thousands of years. What is the big deal?! The revolution we are talking about is the inevitable “change” resulting from a revolution. The change that meditation has on our […]
How Yoga Can Improve Your Health

YOGA AND AYURVEDA FOR GREAT OVERALL HEALTH AND AGING! Marquette, MI – Relaxation and deep breathing are the most beneficial part of a yoga practice in terms of overall health and well-being. Most yoga classes incorporate deep breathing and some relaxation even in the power yoga sessions. Ayurveda, the healthcare side of yoga will […]
Tips to Cope With Stress Through Yoga and Exercise

I AM SO STRESSED OUT! DO I NEED EXERCISE CLASS or YOGA? Marquette, MI – Learn how to recognize signs from your body to know whether you should push yourself through vigorous exercise or chill out with a balancing yoga routine. Sometimes we need to run it out while other times we may need a […]
Welcome Spring With a Digestive Cleanse

Spring is a great time to prepare our bodies for the active summer season from the inside out!
Marquette, MI – We Yoopers know the importance of preparing our homes for winter. in the fall and Spring we clean the yards, gardens and home to prepare for Summer. Our bodies which are made of the great 5 elements, also should get cleaned out of accumulated waste and toxins, a kind of house cleaning […]
Ayurveda For A Healthy Lifestyle

WHAT IS AYURVEDA? What you need to know to decode your health This article is for those of you wondering what Ayurveda is and how it can bring you to a place of health, help with many chronic diseases, facilitate a positive state of mind, encourage better digestion, and feel great overall so that you […]