Coral Polyps Kiss And Fight Turf Wars

Corals and coral reefs have been in the news a lot recently, mostly as a marker for human-induced climate change that is fast degrading large swathes of the natural heritage along Australia’s coastline. Now, a new underwater microscope designed at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego provides “a never-before-seen […]
Enjoying Watersports on Lake Superior

Learn to kayak or do stand-up paddle boarding this summer with the YMCA! Marquette, MI – The ice-bergs in Lake Superior have melted at last and summer has finally arrived! Time to start getting out and enjoying some of the great recreational sports that make living in the Upper Peninsula unique. Saturday June 28th, 2014 […]
3D Printing May Soon Fix Torn Cartilage From Sports Injuries

3D printing has expanded into nearly every arena of the medical world of late, from creating 3D-printed organs to developing completely live body parts. Scientists have even developed tiny printed surgical tools that can make surgeries less invasive. Most recently, a team of researchers from the Wallenberg Wood Science Center in Sweden have found a […]
2015 Noquemanon Ski Races Rock Marquette

Marquette, MI – 2015 Noquemanon Ski Marathon participants finished up a spectacular weekend of outdoor winter sports races this weekend all featuring various parts of the Noquemanon Trails Network (NTN) renowned for it’s beautiful and rugged terrain. This annual event began 17 years ago and features one of the largest nordic ski races around the […]
Pat O’Day Honored With SISU Award

Pat Ryan O’Day Named 2015 Recipient Of Save the Wild U.P.’s Fred Rydholm Sisu Award Marquette — Local publisher Pat Ryan O’Day has been posthumously selected to receive the 2015 Fred Rydholm Sisu Award from Save the Wild U.P. (SWUP), a grassroots environmental nonprofit. The award will be presented next month at SWUP’s Winter Gala, […]
Heart Rate? Breathing Rate? Swallow This

An electronic sensor can measure your heart rate and breathing rate from within your gastrointestinal tract, say MIT scientists… but first you must swallow. The ingestible sensor calculates heart and breathing rates from distinctive sound waves produced by the body in its actions, a process described in the published research. Someday, the new sensor could […]
Hot dogs cause cancer. Other processed meats cause cancer, too

On Monday, the World Health Organization delivered a wallop on the unsuspecting general public: hot dogs cause cancer. Other processed meats cause cancer, too, the study said. The report, the result of decades of research, also indicted that red meat probably causes cancer. The result of these findings is that both processed meat and red […]
We’re Holding Our Own: Tale From The SS Edmund Fitzgerald

written by: Ryan Stephens | Ghosts are forces of nature with unfinished business. They simply have something they need to accomplish before they move on. The water is dark as used motor oil and as cold as ice. Even through my six inch thick diving suit, Lake Superior chills me to the bone. I am […]
Toxic Algae Could Power “Super Batteries” of Tomorrow

Alga blooms may have earned a bad reputation underwater, but above ground, they could rise to power in a very noble way. Below the surface, these swarms of algae cut off oxygen in the water, threatening wildlife, livestock, and humans by making the water too toxic to drink or use for anything else. But one […]
He Dies, You Make Money

While it’s a different kind of future than we’re used to talking about – the concept of saving money for your future has been around before futures existed. But the way we save has been evolving ever since the word retirement has been around. The concepts of pensions, 401ks, and Roth IRAs are the first […]