Uncertain Future For Presque Isle Power Plant

Marquette, MI, Nov. 14, 2013 – Uncertain Future For Presque Isle Power Plant, Good or Bad? There is a huge debate brewing over the potential closure of the Presque Isle Power Plant owned by We Energies in Marquette, MI. The future of the plant has both economical and environmental ramifications that directly affect our local […]
Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve Evening of Entertainment

by Erica McMillan for MarquetteMagazine.com Marquette, MI, Nov. 13, 2013 – Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve Evening of Entertainment – The Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve non-profit organization celebrated their yearly anniversary by combining the annual members meeting with live music and FUNdraising at the Ore Dock Brewing Company Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013. The event was being […]
Ishpeming Hematites Alex Briones Video Highlights

Marquette, MI – Ishpeming Hematites Alex Briones Video Highlights – We’ve been following the Ishpeming Hematites varsity football team with our sports photography blog UPsportsphotos.com for over a year now and have been really impressed with these guys. It’s not just their versatile and strong team playing that has been inspiring but also the human interest […]
John Lennon Night at the Ore Dock

Marquette, MI – Saturday, Nov. 9, 2013 was the 2nd annual John Lennon Night at the Ore Dock in Marquette, MI and MarquetteMagazine.com stopped in to join some of the fun. The evening’s event was a fundraiser to benefit the local Ishpeming Foodbank and UNICEF with all proceeds going directly to the charities. Up to […]
ERIC LEONARDSON at Peter White Library

by Ron Caspi for Marquette Magazine The Peter White Library hosted visiting Chicago based performance artist, Eric Leonardson as part of the Marquette Arts & Culture Center’s “First Thursdays” concert series. Leonardson is a composer, radio artist, instrument inventor, visual artist, and teacher here to share his fascination with the art of creating and […]
Breastfeeding Awareness and American Culture

by Erica McMillan for Marquette Magazine Education and support a must to build breastfeeding awareness in our communities! Many people have heard that breastfeeding is good for their babies, but in reality it is so much more than that! Breastfeeding is the first step in establishing a healthy immune system and a strong immune system […]
You’re Pregnant! Now What?

by Erica McMillan for Marquette Magazine Pregnant? Now what? Get ready to take an active role in your maternity care. Becoming a parent is an adventure that will bring you to the extremes of every emotion you never knew you had, at one point or another! The birth of your baby will be a huge […]
How Stuff Works: Beer

Marquette Magazine A fun and educational video with some history on beer making, the process of creating it, the fun of drinking it, and even find out what health benefits it holds. Warning, this video will make you thirsty!
The Sexist Beaches in The World

Marquette Magazine Looking for a tropical location for your winter getaway this year? The cold weather is already bringing my thoughts to life on the beach… if only I had wings! We found this resource of smokin’ hot beaches for those of you planning a trip out of the cold & snow this winter. If […]