Gigantic ‘Supertree of Life’ covers 2.3 million species

STEAM Register Staff The first draft of the “tree of life” for the roughly 2.3 million named species of animals, plants, fungi and microbes has been released. This circular family tree of Earth’s lifeforms is considered a first draft of the 3.5-billion-year history of how life evolved and diverged. Credit: The tree depicts the […]
Pope Francis endorses Obama’s Climate Change plan

Get ready for a sea of criticism of Pope Francis from Republicans, on Fox News, talk radio and on many conservative websites. In his first visit to the White House, the Pope did not shirk from giving some brief comments that offered his view on some of the issues that have become mega-political in this […]
The Pope’s Visit Puts Into Perspective How Screwed Up the Republican Party Has Become

In case you haven’t heard, Pope Francis is making his big U.S. debut this week. It’s a visit I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time. Not only am I a fairly big fan of this pope, but I’ve been extremely interested to see what sort of reaction he’s going to trigger from conservatives […]
Microbeads Were a Terrible Idea And They’re Coming Back to Haunt Us

Microbeads—the tiny plastic spheres used as exfoliants in face wash, toothpaste and just about any other beauty products on the shelves—were a really, really bad idea. Our wastewater treatment plants aren’t designed to handle them, they don’t biodegrade and there are now a mind-boggling volume of microbeads winding up in all the wrong places. A […]
Gray wolf in northern Lower Peninsula

It took a year and a half, but there’s now no doubt: The animal spotted on a trail camera in Emmet County in the northwestern Lower Peninsula was indeed a gray wolf — only the second one confirmed in the Lower Peninsula since 1910. The wolf was confirmed on the reservation land of the Little […]
Pope calls for ‘really significant global environmental agreements’

Pope Francis demanded swift action on Friday (11) to save the planet from environmental ruin, urging everyone to make an effort ahead of upcoming international meetings on the issue.55 His encyclical Laudato Si (Praise Be), published in June, was the first papal document dedicated to the environment. ‘On the Care of Our Common Home’, Francis […]
Liberty University Students React To Bernie Sanders’ Speech

Students react to Bernie Sander’s speech during an appearance at Liberty University yesterday: Liberty University students were quick to underscore differences with Sen. Bernie Sanders on social issues like abortion, but also shared some compliments for the senator following his speech Monday at the school’s convocation. “I think he did a good job of not […]
Michigan Reports Its First 2015 Case Of Bubonic Plague

A Michigan resident recently contracted Bubonic plague after a visit to Colorado, health authorities confirmed Monday. The case is the first reported this year in the state and the 14th diagnosis nationwide. The life-threatening disease is not native to Michigan and occurs when a person is bitten by an infected flea or rodent with the […]
Plastic deluge threatens world’s sea turtles

More than half of the world’s sea turtles have ingested plastic or other human debris, according to a new study. The study, led by Dr. Qamar Schuyler from the University of Queensland, found that the east coasts of Australia and North America, Southeast Asia, southern Africa, and Hawaii were particularly dangerous for turtles.…
Interview: Emily Hunter on the Modern Green Movement and How To Change The World

How did the green movement start and where is it headed? DeSmog UK previewed the new documentary How To Change The World, which depicts a group of idealistic hippies ready to take on the world. In this long-read we speak with Emily Hunter, environmental activist and daughter of ‘eco-hero’ Robert Hunter, about today’s environmental activism. […]