Pope calls for ‘really significant global environmental agreements’

Pope Francis demanded swift action on Friday (11) to save the planet from environmental ruin, urging everyone to make an effort ahead of upcoming international meetings on the issue.55 His encyclical Laudato Si (Praise Be), published in June, was the first papal document dedicated to the environment. ‘On the Care of Our Common Home’, Francis […]
Plastic deluge threatens world’s sea turtles

More than half of the world’s sea turtles have ingested plastic or other human debris, according to a new study. The study, led by Dr. Qamar Schuyler from the University of Queensland, found that the east coasts of Australia and North America, Southeast Asia, southern Africa, and Hawaii were particularly dangerous for turtles.…
Interview: Emily Hunter on the Modern Green Movement and How To Change The World

How did the green movement start and where is it headed? DeSmog UK previewed the new documentary How To Change The World, which depicts a group of idealistic hippies ready to take on the world. In this long-read we speak with Emily Hunter, environmental activist and daughter of ‘eco-hero’ Robert Hunter, about today’s environmental activism. […]
If we burned all fossil fuels, would any of Antarctica’s ice survive?

Andy Ridgwell, University of California, Riverside Here is a great “what-if”: if we (the human race) were to burn all available fossil fuels, could we melt the largest and most stable ice sheet on the planet – Antarctica? Could our collective industrial impacts on the planet possibly have that far a reach? The spoiler is: […]
New Solar Tracking Technology Boosts Efficiency

A solar cell that tracks the sun’s movement across the sky can generate 40% more electricity than a stationary panel. But tracking devices add complexity and cost. They also are subject to malfunction due to ice, snow, or high winds. Researchers at the University of Michigan, led by Max Shtein and Stephen Forrest, both professors […]
Protecting the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes have always been a source of pride to the states that border them. But this raises a very good question: why are so few people willing to come to their defense? Earlier this year, local blog “Word on the Street” posted an April Fools article about making a deal to pipe water […]
Huge Increases in Wastewater Threaten Escanaba River

Citizens Speak Out Against Permit That Will Allow For More Wastewater Dumping By The Humboldt Mill and Lowering of Water Quality in Escanaba River.
“It is profitable to let the world go to hell… the tyranny of the short term will prevail over the decades to come.” – Jørgen Randers There’s a battle brewing behind the scenes here in the Upper Peninsula, threatening wild rivers, fish habitat, our ‘pure’ Michigan water supply and ultimately, the health of our communities. […]
Bill Gates Drinks Distilled Feces Waste

Omniprocessor Creates Drinkable Water and Electricity From Human Waste!
Bill Gates took time off last year to work with the philanthropic organization he founded with his wife. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding a project that is creating a safe affordable solution for countries struggling with problematic sanitation issues. This endeavor has resulted in a machine called the Janicki Omniprocessor, which turns […]
What is a Resource-Based Economy?

New Ideas and Solutions For Real Change
People are always talking about what’s wrong with our society. Many, feeling helpless and overwhelmed by the scope of it all ignore what’s wrong preferring to stick their heads in the sand claiming that they are just trying to stay positive. Either way, there is very little talk about solutions and ideas to enact real […]
A Thank You

JOIN A YDWP VOLUNTEER AS SHE WADES INTO THE YELLOW DOG RIVER By Xavier Donajkowski As I waded into the Yellow Dog River in chest waders in mid-fall, the rain rolled off my waterproof jacket sleeves. The cold drizzle made my lips shiver and my hands slip on the bucket full of river water, leaves, […]