Marquette Michigan – As a mother of two girls, good advice is always appreciated. Here’s Some concepts to be aware of and acted upon. Even if your daughter is little it’s never too early to start building positive self-image and plant good seeds for what’s ahead in the years to come. Teach her to love […]
5 Steps to Prevent Spoiling Your Children

IN OUR OVERINDULGED SOCIETY LESS IS THE NEW MORE! We overwhelm them with toys and games, make every conversation a long speech, supervise every step they do (or don’t do), and admire nonstop the blue line they drew on paper. But, dear parents, that is exactly how our children become spoiled and self-centered. We love […]
Teachers: Our Allies in Parenting

Words to think on as we start a new school year… This week in Marquette, we parents will have meetings with teachers, open houses, interactions with the school system in anticipation of the school year’s start next week. Wherever our opinions may fall on the matters of the ongoing teacher-school board negotiations and related issues and […]
Best and Worst Places to Be a Mother in 2014

Fins make top of the list of best places in the world to be a mother! Marquette, MI – A new 2014 report has just been released on the state of mothers worldwide with some interesting findings. All you Fins out there will feel a sense of pride to know that Finland made the #1 spot! […]
Understanding Baby Colic Pain

Baby Colic Pain: Where does it come from and how to to treat it? It begins without warning when a baby reaches two weeks of age. They begin to cry and squirm with abdominal pain… an endless cry that seems to consume thier every waking moment. These inconsolable cries naturally fill us with questions: why is this […]
Time For Parents To Take Responsibility

Parents, stop with the excuses – and take responsibility for your children. Yes, parenting in this day and age is not simple but parenting has never been a simple matter. Being involved with caring for birthing mothers I understand very well the challenges of giving birth; yet all the blood, sweat, & tears that go […]
Why Babies Need Extra Sleep

Marquette Magazine Did You Know Your Baby Needs Twice the Amount of Sleep Than Adults? Most parents understand that their babies need to sleep a lot and that quality sleep is important for healthy growth. Here is a bit more information about what’s actually happening developmentally inside and why babies need extra sleep. First of […]
Meals to Please Your Kids and Your Pocketbook!

Tacos are giving competition to the king of family favorites, pizza. What is it about this south of the border meal that kids are going crazy for? First of all, it’s the crunch! There is something satisfying about that crunchy outside and tasty inside that is irresistible. It’s also easy to throw together and doesn’t […]