In The Kitchen With Austin Fure of The Marq

Austin Fure is the young and talented head chef and partial owner of Marquette’s Farm To Table restaurant, The Marq. Spending 12-14 hours daily sourcing, preparing, and serving the best ingredients our area has to offer, each bite of his food is soulful morsel. The dishes you find at the Marq are a reflection of […]
The Vagabond Kitchen: Last Year’s Seeds

6-10-15 We ate our first outside meal by the lake last night. Keith, the kind of dear friend who helps you say, “Yes” to the next adventure, brought lemony tabbouleh and we roasted gourmet hotdogs as the sun dipped its round face below the tree line. I picked arugula for a salad in the garden […]
REdesign: Fashion In The Forest

Taylor Ehle Presents Her Latest Creations
Fashion in the Forest is a fashion show featuring the upcycled fashion designs of Taylor Ehle. Taylor only began redesigning clothing in the spring of 2014 and was a featured designer at the 2015 Marquette REdesign Fashion Show, but as soon as she created her first wearable piece, she knew she had found her passion. […]
Your Body on Yoga

MARQUETTE YOGA CENTER HELPS PEOPLE DISCOVER HOW YOGA CAN IMPROVE THEIR LIVES FROM THE INSIDE OUT Yoga. Perhaps you’ve heard of this now popular sweeping trend, wondered what all the fuss is about, or even pondered trying a class? Maybe you’re an athlete already looking for a way to improve your inner calm to improve […]
The Vagabond Kitchen: Last Week of Moving Meals

Foraging Forest and Freezer
We were cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer in preparation to move. The last Rock River Farms chicken rested in the freezer’s meat drawer. I stared at it anxiously. Should I cook the last chicken before moving, or save it for a summer meal? Cold freezer air undulated around my feet as I surveyed the […]
Marquette Trail Running: Fun In The Forest

Summer trail running series bringing folks together for fun in the forest!
Marquette’s gotten a lot of recent press and notoriety for its ever-expanding network of trails. At the center of the limelight tends to be beer-drinking, bearded guys on bikes. Quietly though, a different group make their way through the forest with an ancient camaraderie and connection; trail runners. Along a dirt road south of town […]
The Vagabond Kitchen: New Homes and Peach Bread Toast

6-9-15 The mist on the lake rose in spectral tendrils. A dazzle of sparkling sunlight stretched like a glittering crown across a pale brow. Exhaustion tugged at me from one direction and excitement from another. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. My partner, Orson and I packed our belongings into […]
The Vagabond Kitchen: Introduction

Figuring It All Out
In the two years since I stepped away from my old life and into a world full of new choices, it feels like every inane and sage saying or bit of wisdom about “taking control of one’s own life” has circled through my mind like the maddening lyrics of the latest pop song over gas […]
Marquette Welcomes Elegant New Antique Shop

Marquette, MI – Marquette antiques and decorating enthusiasts have reason to celebrate this month. On May 2, area antique dealers Richard and Pat Hennessy and Steve LaForais opened a second location for their popular shop, Birdcage Antiques and Eclectic Décor. Their new, high-end antique store shares space with Karen Larson Interior Design at 1508 W. […]
Spices Improvising

It’s possible to learn cooking techniques from the oversights of others. My parents, the people who taught me about seasonal eating, food preservation, and instilled within me seeds of passion for culinary consciousness, didn’t teach me about spices. They both cooked wonderful meals, ordered bulk spices from the local food co-op (five pounds of bay […]