
Your weekly dose of lifestyle news. Get the latest trends and news you can use. Providing articles, commentary, images, multi-media, fashion & beauty, food, lifestyle, personal growth, modern technology, living green, sustainability, love & relationships, and more.

 Candace Prill

The Endless Benefits of Tea

The Endless Benefits of Tea

Warm The Soul and Delight The Senses

In the deep of winter and with the beginning of a new year, drinking more tea is always a part of my “self-improvement plan”. Tea provides energy throughout the day, reawakening our senses and giving our minds an unrefined, casual attentiveness without the overly busy feeling that consuming too much coffee and other energy drinks […]

 Erica McMillan

Exercises You Can Do In Your Room

Exercises You Can Do In Your Room

How to Stay Fit Without Leaving Your Dorm

It’s often difficult to find time to get regular work-outs in during a busy school semester of studying. Add that together with microwave meals, junk food snacking, sodas, and beer and you’ve got the recipe for unchecked weight gain. Eating well and drinking plenty of water are huge but equally important is getting in regular […]

 Erica McMillan

8 Liqueurs to Warm Up The Winter

8 Liqueurs to Warm Up The Winter

Spice Up Your Favorite Warming Drinks

There’s nothing quite like a fine liqueur to put some heat in the winter, spice up the atmosphere, and introduce another dimension to the warming drinks you already make yourself: hot tea, apple cider, hot chocolate, coffee, etc. Hot drinks enhanced with elegant spirits can take your daily beverages to a new place and also […]

 Adonna Rometo

Why You Should Eat More Chocolate!

Why You Should Eat More Chocolate!

Resolved to be a happier & healthier you in the new year? Don’t forego the chocolate

by Adonna Rometo Dark chocolate, from the Theobroma Cacoa tree (literally, “the food of the gods”) offers great super-food constituents. Composed of the nutrient “gems” seratonin, coumarin, calcium, magnesium, dopamine, anandamide, and theobromine, to name a few, cacao offers great health benefits. Western science is just beginning to unlock the secrets of this ancient cure-all. […]

 Erica McMillan

Eating Together: a Family Anchor

Eating Together: a Family Anchor

Time To Bring Back The Family Dinner Table

Rushing between errands, chores, appointments, long work hours, and time lost in front of various screens – all these are distancing us from the times (not so long ago) when families sat down each day around the dinner table for an hour of focused conversation and eating together. With all the running around modern families […]

 Erica McMillan

Gift Giving For the Holidays With a Conscience

Gift Giving For the Holidays With a Conscience

Every year I become more aware of the dark side of the mainstream American holiday gift giving traditions. Mainly by the incredible amounts of unnecessary waste that are generated by packaging and gift wrapping. But why would manufacturers change their wasteful ways unless consumers demand it?  The only way to enact change from the suppliers […]

 Rachel Mills

Antlers and Meat

Antlers and Meat


The cold December night is silvered and silent. No wind stirs the empty tree branches at field’s edge. Deer creep from forest to clearing on hushed, cloven hooves. When clouds unveil the moon, their breath makes ghostly puffs. Delicate white hairs framing black button noses rime with frost. A thick pink tongue protrudes, licking away […]

 Erica McMillan

Woolymama: Transforming Wool Into Wearable Art

Woolymama: Transforming Wool Into Wearable Art

U.P. ARTIST CREATES COUTURE DRESSES WITH NUNO WOOL Marquette, MI – No longer a vision of awkward knitted sweaters from your grandparents time, wool is making a comeback in new and wonderful ways. Combining modern fibers and techniques people are redesigning wool products into sustainable wearable clothing from head to toe.  Tucked away within the […]

 Geoff Walker

Tips For Record Care and Storage

Tips For Record Care and Storage

GEOFF WALKER SHARES SOME ADVICE FOR ENSURING YOUR VINYL COLLECTION OUTLASTS YOU! So now that you have all these bright, shiny records, you might be wondering, “How the heck do I take care of them?”  Thankfully, the answer is not as complicated as you may think!  I’m going to go over a few things that […]

 Daniel Rutz

What Is Chocolate?

What Is Chocolate?


As this collaborative column starts off it’s probably a good time to answer the question “what is chocolate?” It should be a straight-forward answer, but just look at the authors of this column. Two are chocolate producers, one who starts with the raw beans and makes what we typically think of as chocolate, just on […]