Marquette, MI – Does what sound good…you ask? Well, most of the gobbledygook you are bombarded with every day. All the political crap you hear. All the commercial drivel that you hear, and all the impressively convoluted arguments from the so-called learned friends and acquaintances that you have.

Protester holding Adbuster’s Corporate American Flag (photo courtesy of Wikipedia)
As for political crap…it’s going to start coming at you in buckets! 2014 is not a presidential election year, but governors and legislators will be elected all over the country. I’m already seeing some real stupid stuff. Unfortunately that stupid stuff sounds good to a lot of people; to a lot of voters for that matter.
It’s been acceptable for many decades to stretch the truth, good or bad, about a candidate or an issue. And sometimes things get really elastic! But now…it’s seems perfectly acceptable to blatantly lie. It’s not acceptable, by the way, no matter what the reasoning may be. But do you know that? Are you taken in by things that sound good to you? Don’t be. Vote for what’s correct.
Huge corporations making huge profits, but paying no taxes, for example, is not correct in any way.
It’s been proven over the years that low business taxes is NOT good for the economy. These corporations do NOT create jobs because they pay less taxes, and money does NOT trickle down upon the lowly masses.
One thing that does happen is that the politicians who support this premise DO make much more money in fund-raising from these corporations. YOU pay for the armed forces, roads, police and fire protection, etc. so that politicians can make more money that should go to government coffers – especially local government coffers.
Yes…your taxes go up because huge profit-maker’s taxes have gone way down. All the stuff we need as a country, a state, a city, or a community, has to be paid for by someone. You are paying for it all…but those business get to enjoy the benefits nevertheless.
Whether you like it or not – you will hear many things that are worse.
How much money has been given away because a person believed what was touted in a commercial.
“You will lose 50 pounds in just four weeks with our product!” Right. People are doing that all over the place and this bottle of pills only costs $30.00?!
“This movie is the best movie ever made! Certainly it’s the best movie that you’ve ever seen!” is the message that is pushed so often. And the only decent parts of the movie are the few minutes that they’ve shown in the previews.
Many products do deliver what has been promised. But many more do not.
A reverse mortgage, by the way, is not a mortgage. It’s a sale.
As for arguments from friends and acquaintances? Many people simply make up what they are spouting…citing some unknown authority to back up their claims. Sometimes it’s just so funny to listen to what people say.
I have, and so have you, even heard people take the opposite side of an argument that just last night they were willing to go to blows over!.
If you laugh at the silliness then you are pretty smart.
But all you really need to do is to actually understand what is true and what is not…and act on that.
Don’t be fooled by words or by people. Oh yeah…and make sure you vote.
– Mike Plourde
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