Noquemanon Ski Marathon 2015
Winter sports fans will come from around the nation to participate in the many events of this year’s 17th annual Noquemanon Ski Marathon 2015.

Competitors in the 50k cross country ski marathon take off from the starting line on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at the Al Quaal park in Ishpeming, MI. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)

A competitor in the 50k cross country ski marathon prepares for the start of the race on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at the Al Quaal park in Ishpeming, MI. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)
MARQUETTE, MI – The Noquemanon Ski Marathon will kick off this year the weekend of January 23rd-25th, 2015 with a multitude of events for winter sports enthusiasts ranging from nordic skiing, snowshoeing, skijor, and snow biking. The Noquemanon trails feature some of the best winter wonderland terrain and snowscapes the United States has to offer, attracting visitors from all over!

Competitors in the 50k cross country ski marathon prepare for the start of the race on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at the Al Quaal park in Ishpeming, MI. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)
The Noquemanon Trails have been described by racers on their race website as, ” ‘the most beautiful trail I have ever skied on,’ by others as ‘never dull,’ and by a few as ‘deceptively tough.’ one thing however remains constant: the beautifully rugged U.P. wilderness that surrounds skiers though out the course.”

A 50k Noquemanon ski marathon competitor stretchs before lining up at the start for the race on Saturday, January 25, 2014. (Marquette Magazine photo by Erica McMillan)
This year’s participants had to be as rugged and tough as they come as race day temperatures dropped down into the negatives and barely hovered above zero at the warmest points of the day. As we stood on the side lines with our cameras trying to capture the amazing spirit of the racers I heard one competitor say his goal for the race was to just “survive the day!” I kept this as my motto throughout the day as I suffered the frigid cold beneath multiple layers.

Competitors in the 50k cross country ski marathon take off from the starting line on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at the Al Quaal park in Ishpeming, MI. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)
This is the kind of hard work that earns participants upon completion an amazing feeling of accomplishment as well as a good meal, good beer, and a hot sauna or jacuzzi to finish the experience off right. Fortunately Marquette offers plenty of choices in all of these categories. Check our Best of Marquette pages (content coming soon…) for ideas on where to go around town to celebrate after the races.

Jacob Boyce from Duluth, MN leads the pack during a leg of the 50k cross country ski marathon as they pass the half-way mark on Saturday, January 25, 2014, in Marquette, MI. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)
Whether you’re new to the racing scene or a seasoned competitor there is an event to suit your level from the varied Noquemanon race menu. 50k marathons, half-marathons and more. Freestyle, classic, relay, and touring styles are all available to suit the tastes and needs of participants of all ages from kids on up.

Jim Bolton from Madison, WI stops for a quick energy drink at the halfway mark during the Noquemanon 50k Ski Marathon on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Bolton’s beard is coated in ice and his exposed skin is covered with special tape to prevent frostbite in the below zero temperatures during this year’s 16th annual race. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)
Let us not forget all the amazing volunteers that make this race possible! They too spent many hours braving the cold to make sure the racers had water, evergy drinks, and support they needed to perform their very best! The Noque Nymphs get a special shout out for being the cutest volunteers!
If you missed this year’s events stay updated for next year’s 17th annual Noquemanon Ski Race Events on their website

Karl Nygren (78) leads the Noquemanon 50k Ski Marathon as he passes the half-way mark on Saturday, January 25, 2014 in Marquette, Mi. Nygren held his lead to win this year’s 16th annual race. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)

A spectator dresses for the frigid temperatures while cheering on finishers of the Noquemanon marathon races on Saturday, January 25, 2014 in Marquette. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)

Craig McCallum from Madison, WI raises his arms in celebration as he crosses the finish line of the Noquemanon 24k cross country ski half-marthon on Saturday, January 25, 2014, in Marquette, MI. (Marquette Magazine photo by Ronen Zilberman)
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