
Student Survival Guide For All-Nighters

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Tricks and tips to stay awake and focused when up all night before exams!

Marquette, MI – The end of the school semester is quickly approaching and this is when final projects and exams begin to pile up.  Especially, if you haven’t kept up with your current reading and studying!  As finals week arrives it often becomes a necessity to sacrifice sleep for the sake of getting it all done in time for deadlines making a student survival guide for all-nighters a valuable resource!

Get tips and tricks to help you stay awake and focus through those all-night study sessions. (photo by Ron Caspi)

Get tips and tricks to help you stay awake and focus through those all-night study sessions. (photo by Ron Caspi)

Although skipping sleep once in awhile won’t hurt you; keep in mind that it can cause several unhealthy consequences such as impaired judgment and memory loss.  When done on an extended or consistent basis sleep deprivation can even cause an increase in obesity and heart disease.  So save the all-nighters for when it is truly a necessity to stay awake.

This brings us back to finals week when staying up all night often ceases to be an option for students and becomes a must. This time honored tradition however is not as easy as it seems because staying awake is only half the battle. The more challenging issue is how to maintain focus throughout your all-nighter!

 Tips to pull off a successful all-nighter:

  1. Take a Nap:  We usually know ahead of time when we need to pull an all-nighter on a certain day so try to compensate by getting extra sleep the day before.  Also, if possible try taking a 1-2 hour nap before the evening hits and you begin your all night work fest.  By taking a short nap you can interrupt the body’s biological clock, temporarily allowing you to stay up longer than usual.
  2. Time Management:  Make yourself a study schedule of what needs to be done hour by hour through the night.  Be sure to plan for a few breaks to avoid burnouts.  Make a list and prepare all the materials you will need for studying or completing a project ahead of time.  There’s nothing more frustrating than realizing last minute that you’re missing crucial info or materials.  Being unprepared causes inefficiency as you waste time trying to gather what you need instead of getting the job done.
  3. To Caffeinate or Not To Caffeinate?Whether it be coffee, soda, or energy drinks consuming caffeine is the easiest solution to staying awake.  Use caution however, because the buzz is only temporary and is often followed by a post-buzz crash which may suck the resolve to keep awake right out of you!  A trick to combat this is to drink twice as much cold water as caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated.
  4. Stock Up On SnacksSnacking will help keep you going through the night but you need to use caution here as well.  What makes a good snack?  Sanwiches, cereal, trail mixes, granola bars, and fresh fruit are packed with proteins, complex carbohydrates, and sugars that will provide your brain and body with longer lasting fuel than junk food and candies.
  5. AtmosphereBeware of getting too comfortable!  Avoid studying on couches or beds.  Often, the best is to study in places outside your home like coffee shops or quiet restaurants.  Being out of your normal environment forces you to pay attention to your surroundings and there won’t be a pillow nearby to tempt you!  On this note if you are studying at home create an environment that will keep you stimulated.  Turn lots of lights on, play loud upbeat music (use earphones if in public), or have the tv on in the background (but choose a show that won’t distract you!)
  6. Move Around:  Get up and move your body. Lethargy is your enemy!  Go for a short walk outside to get some fresh air or open the windows for a few minutes. Try jogging in place,  jumping jacks, pushups, or yoga poses to give you a burst of alertness and break the monotony.  By raising your heart rate you increase circulation and stimulate your mind.  Follow up with a glass of cold water.
  7. Study With Friends:  Being around others especially your friends will motivate you to stay awake (and visa versa).  Talking, laughing, and sharing snacks in between studying will make the night more bearable (or even enjoyable).  With friends around you can help each other to stay awake when the temptation to sleep creeps up.
  8. Respect Your LimitsIf you just can’t combat the exhaustion any longer close your eyes and rest for a bit.  Just be sure to set an alarm clock with a loud signal to wake you after a half an hour.  If there’s enough time once you’ve finished your tasks be sure to catch some sleep before you need to go.  Even an hour or two of sleep is better than none at all especially if you now need to make it through an exam or presentation!

These tips can get you through the night but the rest is up to you.  Good luck students everywhere with the upcoming finals and enjoy your much deserved break for the summer!

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