
If we burned all fossil fuels, would any of Antarctica’s ice survive?

If we burned all fossil fuels, would any of Antarctica’s ice survive?

Andy Ridgwell, University of California, Riverside Here is a great “what-if”: if we (the human race) were to burn all available fossil fuels, could we melt the largest and most stable ice sheet on the planet – Antarctica? Could our collective industrial impacts on the planet possibly have that far a reach? The spoiler is: […]


Melting in Antarctica to raise sea levels

Melting in Antarctica to raise sea levels

One of the largest ice shelves in Antarctica is under threat, thinning dramatically on both sides, its surface and beneath. The ice shelf is called Larsen C and its two neighbours, Larsen A and B have already collapsed in 1995 and 2002. A study by the British Antarctic Survey has found that the ice shelf […]


Antarctica may have just recorded its hottest temperatures ever

Antarctica may have just recorded its hottest temperatures ever

Chuck Bednar for – @BednarChuck The coldest continent on Earth may have just set an all-time record for its hottest day ever, as an Argentinean-operated reportedly recorded temperatures of 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit (17.5 degrees Celsius) on March 24, according to various media outlets. The temperature reported last Tuesday at Base Esperanza came one day […]


More Bad News From Antarctica: Study Shows Increase In Ice Shelf Thinning

More Bad News From Antarctica: Study Shows Increase In Ice Shelf Thinning

If Antarctica’s ice sheet melts completely, it will raise sea levels by over 200 feet — enough to flood the planet’s land masses. Although this is not something that is likely to happen anytime soon, recent observations have detected several worrying phenomena on the continent. Scientists recently found that over the past two decades, glaciers […]