The Flavors of Cacao

In last month’s chocolate article Daniel Rutz of Everyday Wines explained what steps are that transform cacao beans1 grown in far away tropical places into the confectionary treat that is almost universally loved by people the world over. Like wines, coffee, and premium olive oils, fine chocolates all have a signature flavor. This flavor is […]
The Art Of Eating Chocolate

If you’re at all like me, you’ve probably had a situation like this: You’re at a party. There is a bowl of m&m’s on the refreshment table around which you’re conversing. You grab a handful of m&m’s while your chatting. And then another handful. And then another. And before the night is over, you single-handedly […]
Chocolate Festival at NMU’s University Center

Marquette, MI – Local chocolate lovers were delighted this weekend as the 6th annual Chocolate Festival kicked off Sunday, February 8, 2015 at NMU’s University Center. 10 chocolatiers from around Marquette County were featured at this year’s event including the Cookie Jar, Sayklly’s, the Marquette Food Co-Op, Gophers Cafe, Super One Foods, Root 41 Restuarant, […]
Our Love For Chocolate

At Donckers Love is Chocolate!
Over the past few months we have learned about what chocolate is in Daniel Rutz’s article, What is Chocolate? , how different types of cacao beans affect the taste of your end product chocolate in Davin Makela’s article, Flavors of Cacao, and we have learned some powerful reasons why we should eat more chocolate in […]
Why You Should Eat More Chocolate!

Resolved to be a happier & healthier you in the new year? Don’t forego the chocolate
by Adonna Rometo Dark chocolate, from the Theobroma Cacoa tree (literally, “the food of the gods”) offers great super-food constituents. Composed of the nutrient “gems” seratonin, coumarin, calcium, magnesium, dopamine, anandamide, and theobromine, to name a few, cacao offers great health benefits. Western science is just beginning to unlock the secrets of this ancient cure-all. […]
What Is Chocolate?

As this collaborative column starts off it’s probably a good time to answer the question “what is chocolate?” It should be a straight-forward answer, but just look at the authors of this column. Two are chocolate producers, one who starts with the raw beans and makes what we typically think of as chocolate, just on […]