Cellaring Beer: Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

By: Mark Iacopelli | You just bought that coveted Russian Imperial Stout you have been searching for, and now the question is, drink it now or wait and see how it ages? Okay, maybe stouts are not your thing, but what other beers can you age? Styles That Benefit From Aging Typically, people believe that […]
Exploring Belgian Beer

by Sean Dombrowski Not so long ago choosing a beer in America was not much different than choosing a sports team. It was a choice born of geographic convenience, or lack of alternatives. Often your beer was chosen for you; handed down from elders like a family name. You swore allegiance to those team’s colors […]
Why To Try a “Craft” Beer

By Mark Wilson Now as the title mentions this article is for those who don’t drink “craft” beer, or for that matter beer at all. I will not state that by the end you will like craft beer (from here on no quotations and we will just call it beer), but I do hope to […]
So You’re Not a Hop-Head

CRAFT BEER ENJOYMENT FOR THE REST OF US By David Gill Marquette, MI – OK, I get it. You don’t like hoppy beer. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, or maybe I should say mug of ale. But it seems like hoppy beers are everywhere, and the hop-head crowd just can’t get enough of that […]
Vierling Brews Up The Classics

Marquette, MI – Micro-brewing in the city of Marquette, all begins with the Vierling Restaurant and Marquette Harbor Brewery in the heart of the downtown district. Over the years they have developed local fame and esteem for excellent beers brewed on-site and equally delicious dining. The Vierling was the first in town to jump on-board […]
Marquette Home Brewers

BREWING ENTHUSIASTS CREATE COMMUNITY AROUND THEIR PASSION FOR BEER Marquette, MI – The last several years in the United States has seen the popularity of craft beers and home brewing take off. Avid home brewer, David Gill says the craft beer revolution started up in the 90’s as people began discovering how much flavor beer […]
Blackrocks Brews Up a Passion For Beer

By mug, glass, or can the Blackrocks Brewery is serving up some of Michigan’s finest craft beers! April 2, 2014 – Marquette, MI – Blackrocks Brews Up a Passion For Beer and is currently producing some of the finest microbrews available on the market right here in our small community of Marquette on the Shores of […]