Experimentation in Beer: An Outlet For Creativity

By: Kris Thompson | Let’s face it; you’re already an outsider. You’ve grown tired of the readily available mass marketed beers available around you and have chosen to craft your own at home. You hastily pieced together a “Frankenbrew” system out of old coolers, some PVC and a little of that do-it-yourself attitude. You may […]
Brewing Sour Beers: A Kettle Souring Primer

by Todd Stephens | Brewing sour beers has always been a challenge due to the potential of contaminating one’s brewing equipment with the microbes used to sour wort. Many brewers dedicate separate equipment for fermenting, transferring, bottling, or kegging clean and sour beers, which can get expensive and take up a lot of space. Although […]
How to Get Started in Home Brewing

by David Gill OK, I’m a guy with a lot of hobbies. On a good day, maybe I qualify as being multi-talented, but there are those days when I feel like maybe I’m spread too thin. Of all the hobbies out there, the only one I can think of that I haven’t dabbled in is […]
Cellaring Beer: Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

By: Mark Iacopelli | You just bought that coveted Russian Imperial Stout you have been searching for, and now the question is, drink it now or wait and see how it ages? Okay, maybe stouts are not your thing, but what other beers can you age? Styles That Benefit From Aging Typically, people believe that […]
Yeast: What’s The Big Deal?

by Todd Stephens | As homebrewers, we tend to obsess over all the details on brew day, from having the best choices of malts and hops, to hitting proper temperatures, maintaining a good boil with hop additions at proper times, and chilling as fast as possible. At the end of brew day, however, all we’re […]
3 Basic Homebrewing Methods

Written By: Matt Burling Marquette Michigan – Brewing beer has many different approaches. Depending on your level of interest and commitment you can choose a variety of different tools, ingredients and methods to arrive at the beverage you wish to produce. The three main methods to brew beer from a home brewing perspective are extract, […]
Marquette Home Brewers

BREWING ENTHUSIASTS CREATE COMMUNITY AROUND THEIR PASSION FOR BEER Marquette, MI – The last several years in the United States has seen the popularity of craft beers and home brewing take off. Avid home brewer, David Gill says the craft beer revolution started up in the 90’s as people began discovering how much flavor beer […]