10 to 1: Bugs win in NASA study

Bugs are winning out, and that’s a good thing according to NASA’s Human Research Program. As part of NASA’s One-Year Mission, researchers are studying how microbes living on astronauts’ skin, inside their bodies and on the International Space Station impact their health. To prepare for a journey to Mars, it is important to understand how […]
Mars May Have Liquid Salty Water Below Its Surface

NASA’s Curiosity rover has measured weather and soil conditions on Mars to discover that the red planet’s surface has favorable conditions to hold liquid salty water underneath. The latest findings have further fueled the long-running debate on whether Mars ever contained water and was suitable to host life. Scientists had previously discovered that Martian soil […]
Ted Cruz Is Concerned About NASA Studying the Environment and Climate Change; Says It ‘Lost its Full Focus’

Marquette Michigan – We recently discovered the HBO series “Vice” which tackles many of the world’s hot topics in documentary style investigative episodes. Their recent coverage on the melting of Antarctica glaciers and the global issue of rising of sea water is not to be missed. The most alarming aspect of this subject uncovered by […]