Remade In The U.P. eh!

Marquette's (re)design Fashion Show transforms old clothing into new trends
Marquette Michigan – How do I explain the sheer shock and excitement of watching women strut down the runway clad in curtains, bedsheets, tablecloths, and t-shirts looking as if they were out of a fashion catalog or magazine? The (re)design fashion show at the Marquette Regional History Center proves that even here in the U.P. […]
REdesign: Fashion In The Forest

Taylor Ehle Presents Her Latest Creations
Fashion in the Forest is a fashion show featuring the upcycled fashion designs of Taylor Ehle. Taylor only began redesigning clothing in the spring of 2014 and was a featured designer at the 2015 Marquette REdesign Fashion Show, but as soon as she created her first wearable piece, she knew she had found her passion. […]