Downtown Rail Jam Celebrates It’s Third Year

Annual Rail Jam Event Continue To Grow
Marquette MI- The annual Downtown Showdown Rail Jam has become a hugely popular and beloved outdoor winter event in the city of Marquette. This year marked it’s 3rd year in a row on February 21, 2015. The city of Marquette is well known for it’s outdoor sports and it’s architecture. Three years ago the city […]
NMU Splashes Their Way To 4 New Pool Records

NMU SWIM TEAM DOMINATES RECENT MEET AGAINST MSU Marquette MI- Northern Michigan University’s PEIF pool saw lots of action on October 24th and 25th, 2014 as NMU’s swimming and diving team faced off against Minnesota State University. Each day was made up of 2 diving and 11 swimming events. On Friday, October 24th, NMU won […]
NMU Women’s Soccer Dominates Findlay

Marquette MI- Sunday, October 19, 2014. It was a beautiful fall day in Marquette, full of happy smiling people enjoying the weather. Some of the biggest smiles where found at NMU’s soccer field. Soccer fans dressed in team colors enthusiastically cheered on their teams as they enjoyed a great display of athleticism. The Lady cats […]
Life After Graduation

MQTmag intern Roweena Langin shares her plans of life after graduation from NMU spring 2014 Marquette, MI – Another college semester has come to completion and we’d just like to take a moment to congratulate NMU students for making it through to the finish. Especially those doning their caps and gowns tomorrow for the graduation ceremony! […]