In The Kitchen With Austin Fure of The Marq

Austin Fure is the young and talented head chef and partial owner of Marquette’s Farm To Table restaurant, The Marq. Spending 12-14 hours daily sourcing, preparing, and serving the best ingredients our area has to offer, each bite of his food is soulful morsel. The dishes you find at the Marq are a reflection of […]
The MARQ: The Restaurant Marquette’s Been Waiting For

Gourmet Farm To Table Food At The Marq!
We all wanted a restaurant like The Marq for Marquette. I’ve participated in countless conversations with Marquette locals where we discussed the growing local food scene and how we wished our restaurants reflected the farm trend. And now, that’s happening. Full disclosure: my sister works for The Marq. We’ve both waitressed since we were teenagers […]