I Remember When Our Family Got Our First Dog…

I remember when our family got our first dog. I was hiding behind the water heater during spring break when my kids accosted me. They were looking for Daddy to ask if they could please get one of those darling little German Shepherd puppies So-and-so was selling. We’d gone down this trail before and all […]
Ishpeming Renaissance Festival: A Travel Back in Time

ISHPEMING HOSTS LOCAL RENASSAINCE FESTIVAL AND ART FAIRE Ishpeming, MI – Along the scenic banks of Lake Bancroft, each summer our local U.P. chapter of The Society For Creative Anachronism sets up a fantastical village inspired by the Middle Ages and Renaissance period of history. This Saturday, August 1, 2015 you will have the opportunity […]
The Vagabond Kitchen: Last Week of Moving Meals

Foraging Forest and Freezer
We were cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer in preparation to move. The last Rock River Farms chicken rested in the freezer’s meat drawer. I stared at it anxiously. Should I cook the last chicken before moving, or save it for a summer meal? Cold freezer air undulated around my feet as I surveyed the […]
As Climates Change, Ticks Will Come Out To Play

With the summer approaching quicker than you can say ‘beach bod’, the fear of shark attacks will inevitably rear its sharply pointed head again. Yet for all the hubbub surrounding them, the actual frequency of attacks in the United States is, and has remained, embarrassingly low. Only 53 authenticated, unprovoked attacks were documented in 2013, […]
Drought Puts Brazil’s Largest City On The Brink

Instead of rain, São Paulo has cracked earth and chaos as a devastating drought is making enemies out of neighbors in Brazil’s largest city, the site of a historic water shortage the likes of which hasn’t been seen in decades. Many residents have gone to drastic measures to hoard the precious commodity in the face […]
MIT Researchers Create Solar-Based Solution to Help Solve Global Water Crisis

By 2025, nearly two billion people will experience absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world will survive in water-stressed conditions. More than 1.4 billion people currently live in river basins where water use is more than the minimum recharge levels, according to the UN Development Programme. In 60 percent of European cities with a […]
Blaming People for Being Gay is Like Blaming Them for Being Left-Handed

Isn’t it awful how often gay people just flat-out lie? Hundreds of thousands of them say they didn’t choose to be gay. Didn’t choose to risk being beaten by some passing yahoo. Didn’t choose to risk being cut off from their families. Didn’t choose to be in a society where strangers decide what rights they […]
William Shatner Has Plan To Fight California Drought

(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) The actor’s solution: build a water pipeline. William Shatner plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign Monday to raise $30 billion to build a water pipeline from British Columbia, Canada, to southern California. Shatner proposes naming the pipeline the Spock Waterway, after the Star Trek character played by the late Leonard […]
The US Cities Where Air Pollution Makes It ‘Dangerous To Breathe’

A new report out of the American Lung Association (ALA) notes that air pollution in certain U.S. cities is so bad that it’s “too often dangerous to breathe” for civilians. The report states there has been “encouraging progress,” yet there continues to be “evidence of troubling challenges” as well, noting that air pollution affects some […]
Sanders Raises $1.5M In Donations In Campaign’s First Day

Vermont’s independent Sen. Bernie Sanders received 35,000 donations totaling $1.5 million for his campaign for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination in the first 24 hours following his announcement early Thursday morning. Sanders is expected to get most of his money from grassroots supporters who share his feelings on big banks and what he calls out-of-control […]